Your own Easy Fibre team
Exactly as hinted by the name, Easy Fibre is an easy way to enjoy dark fibre. As a customer, you have access to a team that is tailored to your needs and wishes. This team ensures that you enjoy the highest quality and an easy and smooth collaboration with Easy Fibre.
Your team is led by an experienced project manager, who is also your contact person. Simply get in touch with him or her whenever you want to discuss fibre or have any questions. At the start of the collaboration, you and your contact person jointly go through requirements and draw up a contract and a service level agreement (SLA).
Easy and rapid service
Even though our fibre network is of the highest quality and you, the customer, have an agreement embodying an extremely high level of reliability, external factors can sometimes lead to things going wrong. At such times, it is reassuring to know that help from Easy Fibre is close at hand. Via our operating centre and our offices throughout the country, we provide easy and rapid service. If the network should go down, troubleshooting and suitable measures are initiated immediately. This minimises downtime.
Clear offerings
- We feel that it has to be easy for you to understand our offerings and to order dark fibre. Thus, whichever network owner is involved, you will always have a single contact person to guide you around our complete programme. A single enquiry, a single contact person, a single process.
- A single contract. A common contract for each customer creates clarity. It also provides security and saves time.
- Harmonised pricing. Regardless of size, each operator is offered equal pricing.
- A common SLA. Irrespective of who owns the fibre, Easy Fibre guarantees that you will enjoy the same levels of service.
- A single contact person. Easy Fibre makes it possible for you to take charge of your supplier relationship. Regardless of the network owner involved behind Easy Fibre, we guarantee the same first-class treatment, the same smoothly functioning contract, the same high service levels, the same supply process and the same prices.